Finnish museums - a journey through time to authentic culture

Finland has more than 1000 museums, providing an important window on the country's rich culture and history. Each museum has its own unique story to tell, but in this post we focus on one particular story hidden in the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki.

The story of the Kalevala heritage

The National Museum of Finland is a particularly impressive place, with permanent exhibitions from prehistory to the present day. However, today we're looking at one particular section that takes visitors on a journey back in time to Finland's oldest cultural traditions - the Kalevala section.

The Kalevala, Finland's national epic, is a rare cultural product that has had a major influence on Finnish art, literature and music. The Kalevala section of the National Museum of Finland gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in this unique mythical world. From different perspectives - such as ancient writings, art and archaeological finds - a picture of the lives and stories of Finnish ancestors is built up.

A particularly impressive highlight in the Kalevala section is the sculpture of Väinämöinen, which stands tall in the centre of the section. Created by artist Emil Wikström, this sculpture is part of the national treasure and a strong symbol of Finnish identity. The sombre bronze sculpture of Väinämöis playing the kantele is an iconic image, a window into the Finnish soul.

A window to authentic culture

The Kalevala section of the National Museum of Finland is a true dive into the Finnish past and culture. It offers visitors the opportunity to understand and appreciate Finland's cultural heritage and its profound impact on the nation's identity.

After a visit to the museum, it is easy to understand why the Kalevala is still such an integral part of Finnish culture. It is an original story that is told over and over again, as part of the ongoing journey of Finnishness.

Finland's museums, especially the National Museum, are a great place to study our country's past and its influence on our culture today. I warmly recommend a visit to these treasure troves, which are waiting to be explored.

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