What is an art museum

An art museum is a cultural institution that collects, preserves, studies and exhibits art. Art museums are usually open to the public and often host temporary exhibitions and other events such as lectures, concerts and workshops.

Art museum collections can include paintings, sculptures, photographs, prints, decorative objects and videos from different periods and around the world. Museums aim to present art in a diverse way and offer insights into its significance and impact on society and culture.

There are several art museums in Finland, the most famous of which include Kiasma in Helsinki, the Ateneum also in Helsinki, the Tampere Art Museum and the Turku Art Museum. In addition to these, there are many other art museums throughout Finland.

Here are some useful links to art museums in Finland:

  1. Kiasma: https://kiasma.fi/
  2. Ateneum: https://ateneum.fi/
  3. Tampere Art Museum: https://tampereentaidemuseo.fi/
  4. Turku Art Museum: https://www.turuntaidemuseo.fi/
  5. EMMA in Espoo: https://emmamuseum.fi/
  6. Sara Hildén Art Museum in Tampere: https://www.tampere.fi/sarahilden/
  7. Didrichsen Art Museum in Helsinki: https://www.didrichsenmuseum.fi/
  8. Wäinö Aaltonen Museum in Turku: https://www.wam.fi/
  9. Oulu Art Museum: https://www.ouka.fi/oulu/oulu-taidemuseo
  10. Serlachius Museums in Mänttä: https://serlachius.fi/
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