Spending leisure time in the lap of nature


Finland's magnificent nature offers countless opportunities to spend time outdoors and enjoy peace and quiet. In this blog post, I share my own experiences of spending leisure time in different nature destinations in Finland.

Paddling on the lake

One beautiful summer day, I decided to go for a paddle on a nearby lake. I rented a kayak and headed out into the sun-dappled water. As I paddled leisurely along the lake, I felt the stress and rush fade from my mind and my mind was filled only with the sounds of nature and the fresh air. I also saw a variety of water birds and other animals nearby, which were apparently so used to humans that they were not afraid of my kayak.

Hiking in the forest trails

On the second weekend, I decided to go hiking in a nearby national park. I chose a route that took me deep into the forest and up a hill with a stunning view of the surrounding nature. The hike was an effective workout and at the same time relaxing, as you could concentrate only on your steps and breathing. Eating a snack in the lodge by the fire was a real experience and the perfect end to the day.


Spending leisure time in nature offers many benefits for both physical health and mental well-being. Finland's stunning landscapes and diverse natural sites allow everyone to find their favourite activity and enjoy peace and tranquillity. I encourage everyone to try different outdoor activities and let the forces of nature have a positive impact on their well-being.

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