Month: may 2023

  • Explore museums virtually: exhibitions online

    While a virtual museum experience cannot fully replace a physical visit to a museum, there are several ways to explore museum exhibitions online. Many museums offer virtual tours, digital collections and interactive experiences. Here are some...

  • Finland's thematic exhibitions: topics of interest

    Finland has many interesting thematic exhibitions in different museums. These are just a few examples of the thematic exhibitions in Finland. These are just a few examples of the many Finnish exhibitions that are on offer in Finland.

  • KGB Museum

    The KGB Museum is a museum dedicated to the history and activities of the former Soviet security service, the KGB. The KGB was a Soviet intelligence and security organisation that operated from 1954 to 1991. The museum can offer visitors an insight into the KGB's secret...

  • Auschwitz Museum

    The Auschwitz Museum is a museum located in the former Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp area, near the town of Oświęcim in Poland. The museum was established as a memorial and tribute to those who suffered and lost their lives in the Nazi extermination camps during the Second World War...

  • What is the ABBA Museum?

    The ABBA Museum is an interactive museum located in Stockholm, Sweden. It opened to the public in 2013 and is dedicated to the legendary Swedish pop band ABBA. The museum offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the band's history, music and...

