Explore museums virtually: exhibitions online

Although a virtual museum experience cannot fully replace a physical visit to a museum, there are several ways to explore museum exhibitions online. Many museums offer virtual tours, digital collections and interactive experiences. Here are some ways to explore museums virtually:

  1. Museum websites: most museums have websites with information about their exhibitions and possibly also pictures or videos of the exhibits. You can visit their websites and browse the content of their exhibitions.
  2. Virtual exhibition tours: some museums offer virtual exhibition tours, where you can virtually move around the museum and view exhibits. These tours can include 360-degree images or even virtual reality (VR) experiences.
  3. Digital collections: many museums have digitised part of their collections and make them available online. Many museums have now made their collections available online. You can explore their digital collections and browse a variety of objects, artists' works and historical documents.
  4. Online exhibitions and videos: many museums publish online exhibitions and videos showcasing exhibitions, artists and museum activities. These can be found on museum websites or social media channels.
  5. Virtual events and lectures: some museums organise virtual events, lectures and debates where you can participate remotely and listen to experts talk about different topics.

It's a good idea to check the museums' own websites and social media channels to keep up to date with the virtual content they offer. This way, you can explore museums and their exhibitions from the comfort of your own home.

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