designed for professionals - Job Search and CVs Online is a respected website offering a wide range of job search and CV services for Finnish jobseekers. This online service is designed to support jobseekers in their efforts to find their dream job and to give them the opportunity to showcase their professional achievements and skills to potential employers.

On you can do the following:

  1. Create an impressive CV: You can create a highly customised CV that showcases your educational background, work experience, skills and other important information.
  2. Browse our wide range of jobs: you can explore and easily apply for a diverse range of jobs across industries and locations.
  3. Publish your CV: You can publish your CV on so that potential employers can find you and contact you about interesting job opportunities.
  4. Follow your application: You can easily keep track of your job applications and monitor their status through's user-friendly interface.
  5. Useful Job Search Tips: also offers valuable information and advice to help you succeed in your job search, such as tips on how to prepare your CV and interviews.

In summary, a CV is a powerful tool for Finnish professionals who are looking for new career opportunities and want to stand out to employers with a convincing CV.

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